Values; value formation cultural identity; methodology; teaching learning process.Abstract
The work presented aims to unveil the results of the study carried out in terms of the formation of cultural identity value from the teaching process of Civic Education in primary education. It aims to specify the fundamental elements related to the formation of identity value from Civic Education. It is emphasized in the theoretical foundation where it is exposed the considerations addressed by the different authors, that from the use of different methods of investigation allowed to approach the term value cultural identity from reaching a more current and cultured perspective. Important references related to the formation of the cultural identity value in primary education are assumed, as well as theoretical conceptions regarding the work of values formation in the school as part of the work with students and with the family. The proposed methodology offers a concrete and practical solution. The generalization of this in the center facilitated a positive impact motivated by the increase in the preparation of the teachers to guide the process of formation of the cultural identity value from the work in the subject Civic Education which contributes to favor this work in the work Patriotic, citizen, and that a correct educational work is achieved.
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