environmental education; preparation of educational, methodological activities.Abstract
The system of methodological activities for the preparation of directors of primary schools of the municipality Camagüey in the treatment of the objectives of the environmental education through the subject The World in that we Live, is an alternative that gives answer to the existent problem in this since teaching inadequacies they even last in the use of the potentialities that offer the contents of this subject to link them with the environmental education because of that little preparation of the educational ones exists for the treatment to the dimension environmental education. How to contribute to the methodological preparation of the directors of primary schools for the treatment to the environmental education from the subject The World in that we Live? it is the query that is solved in the investigative process starting from the historical and logical methods, analysis and synthesis, the system focus, the mathematicians - statistical, the observation and the survey. The obtained results offer the possibility to use them as relating for an application generalized in this teaching.
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