Quality; services; teaching performance; student satisfaction.Abstract
In recent studies, a general assessment was made of the degree of influence of the SERVQUAL Academic Model as a way of satisfying the students of the professional careers of the National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador. We intend in this work to emphasize the establishment of the degree of influence focused on teacher performance. A diagnosis of the study variables was carried out using descriptive statistics, in which the variability of student satisfaction in relation to the teacher performance was explained. The students 'opinion of the university is an essential contribution, but it would be only one of the perspectives from which the teaching performance can be evaluated, and how important is the opinion of the students regarding the quality of the teachers' teaching performance, can always be compared and supplemented from other perspectives of the different protagonists of the educational process, in other later studies. It was possible to effectively integrate with the use of the SERVQUAL model the evaluation of the teaching performance with the search of the improvement of the university institution, which favors a greater efficiency in the personal growth of the teacher and the academic performance of the students.
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Anexo 1
Cuestionario de calidad de los servicios
Esta encuesta es totalmente anónima. Aquí nos interesa saber lo que piensa de los servicios que brinda la Universidad es por ello que para cumplir con sus necesidades y expectativas solicitamos su valiosa cooperación para contestar el siguiente cuestionario. No hay respuestas correctas, por favor marcar la alternativa de acuerdo a su experiencia.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2020 René Basantes Avalos, Alexander Vinueza Jara, Jhonny Mauricio Coronel Sánchez
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