
  • José Luís Muñoz Moreno Universitat de València


education; social participation; citizenship.


The article focuses on the reflection on those factors that can promote a better social participation in education and from citizenship. In this regard, repairs in the reasons that justify the social participation in education, their prerequisites and basic characteristics, its principles and purposes, its main benefits and drawbacks, its problems, perversions, tricks and lies, as well as in some of its facilitators. From the approaches of participatory democracy, social participation in education is considered as a right and as a duty. For this reason, insists on the need to promote and advance the social participation in education in response to dissatisfaction with their state, redefining the models and practices that are accurate and trying to move forward in the direction of development and progress of the educational institutions with the commitment of all essential, also of all the citizens.

Author Biography

José Luís Muñoz Moreno , Universitat de València

Pedagogo y Doctor en Pedagogía por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Profesor del Departament de Didáctica i Organització Escolar de la Universitat de València, España.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Moreno , J. L. . (2015). DETERMINANTS OF PARTICIPATION SOCIAL IN EDUCATION. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 6(6), 1–12. Retrieved from

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