negotiation of knowledge, strategy, communities, educationAbstract
The present work outlines a systematic reflection on the processes of creation and negotiation of professional and curricular knowledge in direct and virtual educational communities. Such processes can favor the curricular innovation grace to the sharing of tacit knowledge with other professionals that well systematized, it becomes into explicit knowledge that when flowing does not grow old, in such a way, it is avoided to transforms into obsolete and useless. It highlights the importance of negotiating active cycle of the curricular and professional knowledge that emerges from the nets of practical communities, by means of actions such as to articulate and to organize the existent knowledge, to renovate and to enlarge the knowledge of the members of the nets, to transform knowledge into active capital of the net and to synchronize and to align the strategies of the net with the capacities and competitions of its members and the characteristics of the cultural contexts in which they interact.
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