Students and teachers’ scientific training in vocational of exact sciences pre-university institutions. Proposal of actions
scientific training, teachers, students, teacher professionalizationAbstract
The scientific reserve of the country is a task that cannot be postponed, included since the first year of the Revolution; one of the solutions was the foundation of the IPVCE, with the vision of guaranteeing the generational replacement of scientists, who have placed Cuba's name so highly, for the discoveries made. This high responsibility rests on the professors who work in this type of institution. For various reason, which are not the subject of enumeration in this work, these professors must confront task for which they are not prepared in the initial formation and that is why continuous training must be resorted to. In recent years, the constant approach to optimal professional performance is called professionalization. To comply with the social and state demand for differentiated attention to IPVCE, a research project was founded and carried out jointly by IPVCE-University of Las Tunas to contextualize teaching professionalization to current scientific-technological advanced. In its second year of execution, this project already has a proposal of actions, to be implemented strategically, of which scientific formation is one of its aspects. About the theoretical bases, the diagnosis made and the actions this work deal.
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