Habits and skills of interpreters: epistemological foundations for development


  • Elizabeth Hierrezuelo García Universidad de Holguín
  • Anabel González González Universidad de Holguín
  • Marelis Otero Díaz Universidad de Holguín


skill, action, habit, operation, automaticity


Language interpretation is a cognitive and communicative phenomenon where mental processes of information processing prevail in the interpreter’s performance. Due to their complexity, the need to automatize them is a must to facilitate the interpreter’s job. Several distinctive features of automaticity can be found in the definitions given to skills and habits. In the articles consulted on interpretation teaching, the need for the development and systematization of skills is underlined in novice interpreters until they achieve their automatic execution. Nevertheless, there is scarce mention of habits as psychological and didactic elements associated to knowledge and skills. Through the scientific observation, the historical-logical analysis and the induction and deduction, it is determined that the processes of skill development and habit formation occur in parallel, the former being the unavoidable basis to consolidate corresponding habits, and the latter the main element in the automaticity of the activity. The results of the qualitative research hereby presented is the characterization of the interpreting modalities taught in the English Language Major of the University of Holguin according to the skills needed in each and their description, as well as the professional habits that stem from them.


Author Biographies

Anabel González González, Universidad de Holguín

Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa con Segunda Lengua Extranjera, Francés y Doctorando en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesora Asistente, Universidad de Holguín, Departamento de Lengua Inglesa, Cuba,

Marelis Otero Díaz, Universidad de Holguín

Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa, Profesora Instructora, Universidad de Holguín, Departamento de Lengua Inglesa, Cuba


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How to Cite

Hierrezuelo García, E., González González, A. ., & Otero Díaz, M. . (2023). Habits and skills of interpreters: epistemological foundations for development. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(4), 121–147. Retrieved from https://revistas.ult.edu.cu/index.php/didascalia/article/view/1668

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