The systematization of the field of action theory in the theory of the research object, in the process of investigating the causes of the problema


  • Roberto Fernando Valledor Estevill Universidad de Las Tunas


systematization, theoretical systematization, methods of the theoretical level


It is exposed and exemplified through the synthetic description, the process of systematization of the theory in an investigation, modeled as a method of investigation of the theoretical level of knowledge that integrates the methods: of logical thought, the deployment diagrams and conceptual integration, the study and transposition of contents and genetic deduction. It is explained that the theory of the field is systematized in the theory of the object, the theory that is enriched and perfected by incorporating new principles. The results of the empirical investigation and the procedure for employing said methods are included.

Author Biography

Roberto Fernando Valledor Estevill, Universidad de Las Tunas

Profesor Titular y Profesor de Mérito. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas.


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How to Cite

Valledor Estevill, R. F. (2022). The systematization of the field of action theory in the theory of the research object, in the process of investigating the causes of the problema. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(6), 159–189. Retrieved from

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