
  • Ricardo Manuel Comendador Dieppa
  • Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
  • Marisleydis Rivero Rojas


Grammar; teaching; English; foreign language.


This article seeks to give answer to the question: should Grammar be taught in Junior High School? In order to do that some recommendations and precisions about the importance of teaching English as a second language in Cuban Junior High School are presented. This is done by using a communicative approach but without forgetting the three linguistic elements (phonetics, lexis and grammar), with emphasis in the last one. Today it is usual for Cuban students who are in the last years of their training as English teachers to spend most of their time doing practicum in Junior High Schools. They spend one or two hours to teach grammar, forgetting the communicative approach that is best for teaching foreign languages. This issue is also present in most of graduated teachers. Nowadays in Cuba English is taught by means of the communicative approach. It is supposed students should learn, mainly, how to speak, but using accuracy pronunciation, words or vocabulary they have already known and grammar structure. So it tries to suggest how to teach grammar inside the communicative approach. Teachers should work with it since students start to study the language.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Manuel Comendador Dieppa

M. Sc. Ricardo Manuel Comendador Dieppa. Assistant Professor. Department of Foreign Languages. University of Las Tunas. Cuba.

Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus

Ph. D. Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus. Professor. Center of Pedagogic Studies. University of Las Tunas. Cuba.

Marisleydis Rivero Rojas

Marisleydis Rivero Rojas. Senior student. Department of Foreign Languages. University of Las Tunas. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Comendador Dieppa, . R. M. ., Gamboa Graus, M. E., & Rivero Rojas, M. (2019). TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AND ITS GRAMMAR IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(4), 74–84. Retrieved from https://revistas.ult.edu.cu/index.php/didascalia/article/view/912

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