specific competence; formation based on competences; professional performance; professional formation.Abstract
The changes that are come operating in harmony with the economic globalization of the planet, the new challenges in relation to the technological and scientific advances, related with the social environment where the individual is unwrapped, they have made that the countries carry out transformations that respond to these changes, taking like base the formation pattern for competitions like advisor in the reformations of their educational systems. In the conception of the professionals' formation in the Lay University Eloy Alfaro of Manabí is present the formation for competition, what demands a constant evaluation of those theoretical positions that are more pertinent with the reality of this university and the answer than this institution should toast to the social and productive sectors where the new professionals will act, in this work it is carried out an analysis of the different types of competitions, of what way these they can be reached in the process of superior formation and in what level the specific competitions influence in the curricular structure.
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