University; knowledge; investigation.Abstract
The University is a knowledge-producing institution that uses knowledge as its basic factor in its production process, whose purposes are the creation or generation of human and technological knowledge through its scientific research and study activities. Among the most significant phenomena that are influencing this university since the last decades of the 20th century, is the management of knowledge as a way to develop information and communication technologies. Knowledge management has been identified as a new managerial approach that recognizes and uses the most important value of organizations such as man and knowledge, which they possess and contribute to the organization. The objective of this paper is to explain some theoretical elements about the Ecuadorian university in knowledge management. It is concluded that knowledge management is indispensable in the university, because with it innovation processes and the exploitation of the capacities of each one of the members of it is achieved. The contemporary University through knowledge management, achieves the creation of new technological knowledge, through study and research activities.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mauro Darío Albarracín Álvarez, Jhon Wilson Tapia Claudio, Silvia Susana Tobar Ronquillo, Mario Agustín Banda Casa, Luis Efraín Cayo Lema, Cristian Fabián Gallardo Molina
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