
  • Alexeis Rodríguez Benítez
  • Alexis Benancio Álvarez Cortés
  • Wilfredo Urquiza Humara


Pedagogical professional guidance; Mathematics; Physics.


In the second decade of the XXI century, the demand of educational in Cuba is not satisfied, for what continues being an inadequacy of the National System of Education (NSE) and a manifestation, in particular, of the weak process of professional orientation that the students receive toward the pedagogic profession in general. One of the careers prioritized from the national level until the territory is that of Degree in Education, Mathematics-physics, for the insufficient quantity of school of half superior level students that they request it as their future profession and they obtain it, what rebounds in the lack of educational qualified in these scientific disciplines from the pedagogic thing for the address with quality of the process of teaching-learning of them in each one of the educational levels where they carry out their performance. The above-mentioned motivated the authors to look for alternative pedagogic for to motivate the pedagogic professional orientation toward the Degree in Education Mathematics-physics in the Pre-university Education in the county of Granma. A positive impact was achieved in educational and school of half superior level students in the motivation for the Physics and toward the career. Methods and scientific techniques were used for the development of the investigation. The results obtained in the application of the experience during four school courses in this thematic evidence the feasibility of the proposal. The article constitutes result of the Thesis of the main author's Doctorate.

Author Biographies

Alexeis Rodríguez Benítez

Licenciado en Educación en la especialidad de Física y Astronomía en el Instituto Superior Pedagógico Blas Roca Calderío de Granma. Profesor de Física del Departamento de Matemática-Física. Universidad de Granma. Cuba.

Alexis Benancio Álvarez Cortés

Doctor en Ciencias Filológicas. Director del Centro de Estudios de Educación de Granma. Coordinador del Doctorado Tutelar de la Universidad de Granma. Miembro del Tribunal Oriental de Ciencias Pedagógicas con sede en la Universidad de Holguín. Universidad de Granma. Cuba.

Wilfredo Urquiza Humara

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Graduado de Licenciado en Educación en la especialidad de Física y Astronomía en el Instituto Superior Pedagógico Blas Roca Calderío de Granma. Universidad de Granma. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Benítez , A. ., Álvarez Cortés, A. B., & Urquiza Humara, W. (2016). IMPACT OF THE USE OF THE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROCESS OF PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE TOWARD THE BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN MATHEMATICAL-PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 7(6), 305–314. Retrieved from

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