attention to the diversity; inclusion; exclusion; individuality; preescolar childhoodAbstract
The article offers a group of pedagogic reflections about the sociological and psychological foundations of the attention to the educational diversity, that to be analyzed in the context of the education of the preescolar childhood, allow presenting the particularities of the treatment of this topic in this stage. In this sense the historical antecedents are presented in the Preescolar Pedagogy as well as in the Preescolar Education in Cuba. Starting from the realization of valuations about of this problem in the educational practice of the infantile institutions, recommendations are carried out directed to achieve that the attention to the educational diversity in the preescolar childhood, contribute to the maximum development of the potentialities of all and of each one of the children, from an inclusive and preventive perspective.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Idalmis Clemencia Guerra González , Blanca Nieve Martínez Rubio, Jixy Martínez Galiano
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