
  • Jaime Alfonso Sánchez Garza Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías. Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Rodolfo Cabral Parra Centro Universitario del Norte. Universidad de Guadalajara


process, education, integral, knowledge


In the middle of the ninety’s it was begun to coin with a greater strength the definition for this new generation, which is known as: “the generation of information and knowledge”; where thanks to technology and to the advances of communication, the information flows rapidly to a extend that the news occur and we are watching them at the same time they are happening. The same happens to the interchange of information and knowledge that occurs in parallel –thanks to internet-people can communicate in real time. On the other hand, the growing of commercial agreements arises simultaneously, which provokes the process of transculturation, dependence and commercial binding among countries. Education cannot be at the edge of these processes. This orients the educational institutions to make an internationalization process, likewise, guides the development of the self-negotiation processes of learning; taking into account the social and cultural values of the learner’s country, but allowing a multicultural interchange where skill and competences are strengthened.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Garza, . J. A. ., & Cabral Parra, R. (2010). PROCESS OF SELFNEGOTIATION OF KNOWLEDGE ORIENTED TOWARDS THE MULTICULTURAL AND INTEGRAL EDUCATION. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 1(4), 59–72. Retrieved from

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