Diagnostic study of the initial status of the attention to the educational diversity in integration primary school family
Diversity, attention, diagnosis, family, elementary schoolAbstract
The Cuban appreciates the necessaryquest of the educationalexcellence in mail with the challenges and requests of the contemporaryworldhimself in front of the requirements of the educationalprocess, characterizedfor the loftyscientifictechnicaldevelopment. The unit between different components of the aforementionedprocessunderstands the integral education of the personality. To thisend, to toinstruct and to toinstructsafemen, you are so thatalleducators are so-called. Oneconsiders on this base thansubsistproblemses at Manzanillo'smunicipality, the factthattheybecomemanifestlike: Insufficiencies in the process of educationalorientation at the elementaryschool, the factthattheylimit the results of the learning of the pupilsthattheyhavehisexpression in the epistemicinitialexistentcontradiction in the need to raise the primaryquality of the learning of the pupils of the educational level and the existentinsufficiencies in the link schoolfamily, on the base of the requests of the educationalModel in this level. Once the existentrelationwiththisproblemswasgiven the articleyouhavelikeobjective: Characterizing the present-day status of the educationalattention to the diversity in integrationprimaryschoolfamily on the base of the results of the diagnosis, the onethatutilizedtheoreticmethods and empiricistswerefor, so muchstops, the elaboration of the theoreticfoundations, same as for the diagnosis and the pupils' characterization. The attainedresultsjustify the declaredproblem and allow to the proposal of theoreticpracticalalternativesthattheywillyield to enunciate the quest of interveningsolutioncontinuity to the investigatingprocess.
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