Perception of high school students about learning in virtual teaching environments


  • Idania Paulina Velasquez Cañar Unidad Educativa Emiliano Ortega Espinoza
  • Elisset Leonor Sánchez Jiménez Unidad Educativa Fiscal Camilo Gallegos Domínguez
  • Mishelle Gabriela Ferrin Bravo Unidad Educativa Fiscal Manuela de Santa Cruz y Espejo. Ministerio de Educación, Distrito 09D01


basic learning styles, virtual teaching environments, student, high school


Teaching in virtual environments has grown exponentially worldwide in recent years, which must be addressed from all areas of curricular knowledge and by the various instances that make up the educational community. In this sense, this article aims to assess the perception that high school students have about learning styles in virtual teaching environments. To achieve the proposed objective, a methodological procedure was developed from a quantitative-qualitative exploratory approach, through a self-administered questionnaire to a simple random sample of 171 high school students. The main results revealed that the general perception of high school students is very positive about teaching in virtual environments with a predominance of the active learning style, with respect to the traditional method for their comprehensive education. In addition, the guidelines that arise from the findings and reflections offer a follow-up to the improvement of the teaching-learning process of the curricular knowledge areas of the bachelor's level.

Author Biographies

Idania Paulina Velasquez Cañar , Unidad Educativa Emiliano Ortega Espinoza

Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria de Ecuador Especialidad Matemáticas; Magíster en Educación a Distancia.

Elisset Leonor Sánchez Jiménez , Unidad Educativa Fiscal Camilo Gallegos Domínguez

Ingeniera Comercial; Magíster en Docencia y Gerencia en Educación Superior.

Mishelle Gabriela Ferrin Bravo, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Manuela de Santa Cruz y Espejo. Ministerio de Educación, Distrito 09D01

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Mención Mercadotecnia y Publicidad.



How to Cite

Velasquez Cañar , . I. P. ., Sánchez Jiménez , E. L. ., & Ferrin Bravo, M. G. . (2023). Perception of high school students about learning in virtual teaching environments. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(4), 337–353. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume




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