
  • Alfredo Caballero Labrada Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Gustavo Josué López Ramírez Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Osmel Reyes Pacheco Universidad de Las Tunas


Ethnohistoric-aboriginal; teaching; learning; material culture; spiritual culture.


The present work puts into port someone advance scientists achieved in disciplines as the archeology, anthropology, ethnology, linguistic, the historiography, between other. It takes under consideration criterions of outstanding investigators, both national and strange that have approached the topic. In the investigation stands out the importance of the didactic treatment to the component etnohistorical- aboriginal in the process of teaching-learning of the Cuba history in the secondary basic education; by emphasizing in the importance it has the participation of the students in the reconstruction of the facts, your identification with the cultural traditions, the national and local patrimony, as well as the importance to develop investigative activities they pay to the curriculum of the course record the history of tub it as objective has contribute to the perfecting of the process of teaching-learning of the same thing in the ninth degree, through the treatment of this component.  For your development, departed from the materialistic conception of the history, of the didactic conception of social history integral and of other theoretical postulates that permit decide the existent report between the teaching, the apprenticeship, as well as the development of the personality of the students of the secondary basic thing. Offers actions for the treatment of the component etnohistorical-aboriginal in the process of teaching-learning of the Cuba history in the secondary basic education and therefore demonstrates the feasibility of this proposal in the increment of the motivation and the knowledge’s of the students on the aboriginal legate to our material and spiritual culture.

Author Biographies

Alfredo Caballero Labrada , Universidad de Las Tunas

Licenciado en Educación, especialidad Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia. Profesor Asistente

Gustavo Josué López Ramírez , Universidad de Las Tunas

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, especialidad Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia. Profesor Titular. Se ha especializado en el tema de la temporalidad y la espacialidad. Profesor de Historia de Cuba.

Osmel Reyes Pacheco, Universidad de Las Tunas

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, especialidad Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia. Profesor Titular. Pertenece al proyecto de investigación ¨Historia para enseñar y aprender¨.


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How to Cite

Caballero Labrada , A. ., López Ramírez , G. J. ., & Reyes Pacheco, O. . . (2019). THE ETHNOHISTORIC-ABORIGINAL COMPONENT IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS OF THE HISTORY OF CUBA IN BASIC SECONDARY EDUCATION: A DIDACTIC LOOK. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(5), 1–17. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Edición Monográfica Especial

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