
  • Tania María Avila Cusidó
  • Roberto Fernández Naranjo


Cultural development and identity.


The Cultural Development constitutes one of the indispensable premises for the progress of the cities, In this sense, the objective of the present article approaches an approach to the Design and Engineering Company and its contribution to the cultural development of the province with the creation of valuable works that have helped the improvement, traditions and identity of Las Tunas.
It also emphasizes the most significant and important works of this company, which has allowed to strengthen the identity roots in Las Tunas and some of its authors responsible for distinguished projects, from valuable theoretical sustenance such as cultural development and identity.

Author Biographies

Tania María Avila Cusidó

Lic. en Estudios Sociocultural. Especialista en Gestión Documental de CREVER Las Tunas

Roberto Fernández Naranjo

Dr. C. en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Especialista en Antropología Sociocultural.


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How to Cite

Avila Cusidó, T. M. ., & Fernández Naranjo, R. . (2019). COMMUNITY WORK, IMPORTANT PREMISE FOR IDENTITY WITHIN CUBAN CULTURE. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(3), 49–57. Retrieved from

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