
  • Yamirlis Gallar Pérez Universidad Internacional SEK
  • Iris Esther Rodríguez Zaldívar Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Enrique Aurelio Barrios Queipo Universidad Internacional SEK


information and communications technology (ICT); learning; technological mediation; pedagogical mediation.


Vygotsky's theory provides theoretical, social and cultural elements to support a process of learning where culture, science and technology are present in every one of its spaces. This paper presents an analysis of one of the essential contributions offered this theory: the development of higher psychological processes, is a fundamental principle of the subject interpersonal relationships in their environment, through cultural instruments that mediate this relationship by providing an approximation technological mediation and essentially pedagogical mediation should occur with the integration of information and communications technology in higher education.

Author Biographies

Yamirlis Gallar Pérez, Universidad Internacional SEK

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Títular. Universidad Internacional SEK, Ecuador.

Iris Esther Rodríguez Zaldívar, Universidad de Las Tunas

Licenciada en Educación. Profesora de Tecnología Educativa. Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba.

Enrique Aurelio Barrios Queipo, Universidad Internacional SEK

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Director de investigaciones e innovación y Director pedagógico. Universidad Internacional SEK, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Gallar Pérez, . Y. ., Rodríguez Zaldívar, I. E., & Barrios Queipo, E. A. (2015). MEDIATION WITH ICT IN THE LEARNING PROCESS OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 6(6), 155–164. Retrieved from

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