Reading acquisition in first year primary school students based on short stories with positive teachings


  • Bety Nereyda Castrejón Ocampo Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero


Reading, primary school, stories


This study investigates the process of reading acquisition in first graders at the Escuela Primaria Revolucion Mexicana in Iguala de la Independencia, Guerrero, Mexico. While the school utilizes short stories with positive teachings, the current strategy faces limitations such as misalignment with local needs, inadequate resources, passive parental involvement and insufficient evaluation. To address these challenges, this article as a doctoral dissertation project proposes a novel teaching strategy for effective and inclusive reading acquisition. Rooted in constructivism, the strategy emphasizes: 1) Intrinsic motivation; culturally relevant short stories spark students' curiosity and connect to their lived experiences. 2) Social-emotional development; stories foster positive values, empathy, and emotional literacy. 3) Differentiation; individualized instruction and diverse materials cater to various learning styles and needs. 4) Formative assessment; continuous monitoring allows for personalized support and targeted interventions. 5) Active parental involvement; parents receive resources and guidance to nurture their children's reading journey at home. The redesigned strategy aims to achieve the following outcomes: enhanced reading skills, cultivated love for reading and strengthened emotional well-being. By emphasizing positive teachings, cultural relevance, and inclusive practices, this study paves the way for nurturing a generation of lifelong readers who thrive in and outside the classroom.

Author Biography

Bety Nereyda Castrejón Ocampo, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

Licenciada en Economía. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación.


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How to Cite

Castrejón Ocampo, B. N. . (2024). Reading acquisition in first year primary school students based on short stories with positive teachings. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 15(1), 387–417. Retrieved from

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