
  • Marcelo Remigio Castillo Bustos
  • Jorge Montoya Rivera Universidad de Oriente
  • Liana Fuentes Seisdedos Universidad de Oriente


pedagogic feelings, pedagogic errors, pedagogic empathy, holistic formation and transformation, educational activities


Human being´s integral formation is a decisive factor that determines the relationships and interactions of man´s social and natural world; therefore, the educational institutions take on the challenge of making this training in terms of quality and warmth, to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. This research shows us the educational errors in the teachers´ performance in the Ecuadorian context. These are own errors of traditional education, they haven´t been exceeded yet. Among them we mentioned the following: poor social relations between teachers and students, lacking knowledge of teaching subjects, insufficient group work how learning means, inadequate application of teaching method, excess severity of assessment and poor communication skill in the classroom. This situation weakens significantly the quality of the training processes of students, in function socio-cultural transformation; in consequence it contemplates the appropriation of pedagogical feelings, based on the development emotional competences according to the professional education, it arises how an alternative to correct the problematic and make sure an education in agreement with the social demands of the contemporary world.

Author Biographies

Marcelo Remigio Castillo Bustos

Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Jorge Montoya Rivera, Universidad de Oriente

Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Oriente

Liana Fuentes Seisdedos, Universidad de Oriente

Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Oriente


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How to Cite

Castillo Bustos, . M. R. ., Montoya Rivera, J., & Fuentes Seisdedos, L. (2013). PEDAGOGICAL FEELINGS IN THE PERFORMANCE OF TEACHERS OF THE EDUCATION ECUADORIAN SYSTEM. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 4(2), 101–116. Retrieved from

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