Approximations to historical foundations for the teaching of History


  • Eduardo Garcés Fernández Universidad Las Tunas
  • Claudina Quintero Díaz Universidad de Las Tunas


The aim is to provide teachers who teach History in universities and other teachings, with theoretical foundations that allow a better understanding of the historical development, as well as the potentialities of some topics and themes to enrich the teaching-learning process of History, mainly from the Universal History subject, although some are applicable to other subjects. The adjustment to the truth, the science-subject relationship, interdisciplinary relationships, eurocentrism and historiographic criticism, among others, are among the topics of the work.

Author Biography

Claudina Quintero Díaz, Universidad de Las Tunas

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Licenciada en Educación.


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How to Cite

Garcés Fernández, E., & Quintero Díaz, C. . (2022). Approximations to historical foundations for the teaching of History. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(2), 126–142. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

