LiusanLext project; Artistic and cultural competence; Content; Pedagogical professional communicative competenceAbstract
We share the experience of a task from the LiusanLext project to implement the artistic and cultural competence as content of the pedagogical professional communicative competence, through a didactic conception of the artistic and cultural competence with creative and vivid features in Foreign Language career at the University of Las Tunas. The project takes the following paintings as departure point; for transferring these paintings’ content to visual arts through Body Art and Performance. Where tutees create an oral presentation and a performance to talk about nature and environment. This proposal will favor the tutees’ limitations to develop the artistic and cultural competence. The objective of the article is to share this project scientific advance for the tutees to transfer, from appreciating to creating, the artistic- cultural and linguistic- communicative texts. The Task Based Learning approach was implemented; where Body Art and Performance allow the tutees and pupils become art creators due to these art expressions’ high conceptual level features. This favors the completion of developmental, creative, participatory, collaborative and of personal implication tasks, which make the tutees and pupils transfer comprehension levels from the artistic and cultural content to creation, through shared vividness for talking about their creations related to the communicative function.
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