
  • Maritza Rodríguez Peña
  • Sarvelio Guerra Gómez


Interdisciplinarity; teaching-learning; content; health culture.


The article, interdisciplinarity and health culture in the teaching-learning of the History of Cuba in the Medicine career, has the objective of assessing the significance of this and refers to the relationship of this topic with the preparation of the student for the solution of medical professional problems in the performance of their duties. The need to intentionally relate the disciplines History of Cuba and General Medicine from the health culture, is a synthesis of the results of the collaboration in several research projects that are developed at the University of Las Tunas and the University of Medical Sciences, also from Las Tunas. The interdisciplinary qualitative evaluations of essential aspects in the preparation of the student to provide a quality service that integrates the relationship of the biological, the psychological and the social in the context of a complex health situation characterized by the presence of economic and political problems , social and environmental that threaten human survival. The use of methods such as experiential pedagogical experience and critical reflection and collective construction from the empirical and theoretical levels, served as the basis for the analysis of complex problems that affect the health of the population that must be integrated by the student in their preparation for the profession. You learn with a disciplinary approach, but professional medical problems require interdisciplinarity.

Author Biographies

Maritza Rodríguez Peña

Licenciada en Educación, especialidad Marxismo e Historia, Máster en Ciencias, Profesora Auxiliar de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas

Sarvelio Guerra Gómez

Licenciado en Educación, especialidad Historia, Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Las Tunas


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Peña, M. ., & Guerra Gómez, S. . (2020). INTERDISCIPLINARITY AND HEALTH CULTURE IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING OF THE HISTORY OF CUBA IN THE MEDICINE CAREER. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 11(6), 296–308. Retrieved from

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