logical thought; process of reflection; abstraction.Abstract
In this work some valuations are offered related with the Leninist Theory of the reflection like cardinal foundation to deepen in the particularities of the logical thought that it specifies to understand the essence of the phenomena, their manifestation in the dialectical past-present-future and the search of solutions to the different problems of the reality. It stands out the paper of the abstraction like process that it allows to enter in the nature of the object and the laws of their movement. It is revealed that the thought is a process of reflection of the reality, mediated by the practice in all its facets and levels, it has its internal logic and it combines analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the historical thing and the logical one, in this sense some reflections are offered on the dialectical materialist progression of the metaphysical interpretation of the interrelations of the induction and the deduction.
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