
  • Ursula Puentes Puentes
  • Noel L. Cabrera Puentes Consultor Empresarial. GESTA (Centro de Gestión Empresarial, Superación Técnica y Administrativa). La Habana, Cuba


teaching-learning process; historical-cultural approach; affective communication


In this paper, taking as starting point the professional experience of the authors, the results of doctoral thesis and other research, some necessary aspects are offered to be taken into account in the teaching - learning that takes place today different school settings. Its aim: to sensitize teachers with the need to conduct a teaching-learning process more student-centered and through affective communication. It provides recommendations and procedures to achieve better learning and specifies that this is individual and occurs throughout life, preparing for life and everyday problem solving. The teaching-learning process is a communicative process, where the quality of interaction, affective experiences and teacher characteristics play an important role in shaping the personality of the students, both in their cognitive-instrumental, affective-motivational and behavioral spheres.


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How to Cite

Puentes Puentes , U. ., & Cabrera Puentes, N. L. (2012). NOTES FOR A BETTER DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS FROM A HISTORICAL-CULTURAL APROACH. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 3(2), 157–172. Retrieved from