Argumenting, ability, learning, reflexive learning, interdisciplinaryAbstract
The article contains reflections about ability to argument and his development in the students of second cycle of the Primary Education from an interdisciplinary focus. This ability is very important for a reflexive student's achievement, insofar as his use is based on always the existence of knowledge that isbeen useful for of base. It is argumented be more than enough that knows itself and the quality of the argumentation allows appraising the quality of that knowledge. Although this ability develops only like road to use or to hit to know knowledge that are possessed, his adequate use contributes to consolidation, to the deepening of knowledge and the conscious assimilation favors when demanding of the student a take of position in front of what's known. They expose the fundamental methods used during investigation and the systematization of different authors' contributions in relation to the theme before declared. They expose some of the philosophical, psychological, sociological and didactic foundations that serve as base to the cognoscitive scholarly activity.
Guerra Vega, A. M. (2018). El aprendizaje reflexivo en la educación primaria: necesidades actuales. En: Libro Ciencia e innovación tecnológica, vol II, Capítulo Ciencias Pedagógicas Edacunob. ISBN978-959-7225-34-8.
López López, M. (1998). ¿Sabes enseñar a describir, definir, argumentar? La Habana: Ed. Pueblo y Educación.
Silvestre Oramas, M. (1995). Aprendizaje, educación y desarrollo. La Habana: Ed. Pueblo y Educación.
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