physical and educational dynamics; training; physical activity; hygiene of work activity.Abstract
The physical model educational dynamics in the formation of an agronomist, is a major challenge in the task of achieving the integration of knowledge. Precisely in this regard, certain manifestations of physical activity emanating from the own professional tasks of this training process and thus the need for students to have the necessary educational tools for methodological treatment and regulation of incidents that causes such are revealed activity in the biological organism of such students, a phenomenon not valued or controlled with the magnitude it deserves in vocational training. It is significant for the hygiene of the work activity and strengthening the cultural dimension from the perspective treated subject.
Benítez, J.M. (2014a). Tratamiento didáctico de la actividad física laboral en la formación del ingeniero agrónomo. 20(1). Revista Digital. Innovación Tecnológica. Volumen 20 No 1 enero-marzo de ISSN-1025-6504 RNPS-1813 SCPSCT-0406306.
Benítez, J.M. (2014b). Estrategia para la dinámica del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Educación Física del Ingeniero Agrónomo. Tesis presentada en opción al grado científico de Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, UO. Santiago de Cuba.
Jeffers, B. (2004). La Evaluación integral de la actividad física en la educación secundaria básica. Tesis (opción de Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas). ICCP. La Habana Cuba.
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