
  • Yiezenia Rosario Ferrer Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa “Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez”
  • Elsi Amalia Ferrer Carbonell Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa “Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez”


investigation competences; education of competence; informatics engineering training; didactic strategy.


The informatics engineer develops the processes related with information systems to increase the efficiency in organizations; thus, he must get a solid theoretical background and develop scientific methods of work. However, the teaching of the Informatics Engineering career in the Mining Metallurgical High Institute of Moa (ISMMM) has shown the inadequate integration between research training and curriculum courses. This paper proposes a strategy for investigation competence developing in students of Informatics Engineering at ISMMM to attain an efficient performance of the future professional in solving concrete problems. The proposed strategy to develop competences related with the identification of research problems, theorization and research instrumentation, is composed of four stages: diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation. Finally, the implementation of the strategy in the Artificial Intelligence course is exemplified.

Author Biographies

Yiezenia Rosario Ferrer, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa “Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez”

Doctora en Ciencias Técnicas. Profesora Titular. Departamento de Informática. Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa “Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez”, Holguín, Cuba.

Elsi Amalia Ferrer Carbonell, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa “Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez”

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Titular. Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos. Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa “Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez”, Holguín, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Rosario Ferrer, . Y. . ., & Ferrer Carbonell, E. A. (2014). STRATEGY TO FORM INVESTIGATION COMPETENCES IN STUDENTS FROM COMPUTER ENGINEERING CAREER . Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 5(4), 143–162. Retrieved from

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