
  • Nuria Batista Rodríguez Docente de la Universidad de Las Tunas. Cuba.


professional motivation; study plans; curricular dimensions


In the article it is carried out an analysis of the professional motivation toward the career Agricultural Engineering, the investigative interest is centered in the process of initial formation, taking as indicative situation the manifestations of inadequacies detected in this career in the University of Las Tunas. They will be kept in mind for this study the curricular dimensions settled down in the educational project. As approach it will be assisting to the study plans put into practice in the agricultural engineer's formation, revising the inclusion or not in them, of activities, indications or managed orientations to impact in the professional motivation of the students, setting the stages from the establishment of the plan A until the effective one (D). This article offers a panoramic of the phenomenon inquiry object, since the same one corresponds to an investigation in course where the general objective is a proposal of activities that allow to promote the professional motivation of the university students in the career Agricultural Engineering, as a psicopedagogical tool that contributes to the decrease of the deficiencies detected in this house of high studies.


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How to Cite

Batista Rodríguez , N. . (2013). THE PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION TOWARD THE CAREER AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 4(6), 139–154. Retrieved from