
  • Mayra Acebo Rivera
  • Mirna León Acebo


Values; identity theory; methodology


The scientific result contributes to the solution of a problem related to the limited assessment, in axiological research, of the network of identity relations of the subject (the student), in correspondence with the current needs and demands of our society in the formation of the Cuban citizen. The objective is aimed at the formation of values from an identity conception in students of General and Higher Education. The investigation has as antecedents the elaboration of a theory of the formation of identity values that supports the methodology for its formation that have resulted from authors’ works as project leaders in the institutions they work and their doctoral theses in Pedagogical Sciences. These scientific investigations constitute contents of the current result that consists in the pedagogical theory for the formation of values from an identity conception and the methodology that is based on it. The novelty lies in offering the phases and levels that students go through in the formation of values, taking as the center the network of identity relationships of the subject (the student) in the educational institutions, and the design of participatory projects as part of the methodology to put into practice the ideas of the proposed theory.

Author Biographies

Mayra Acebo Rivera

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesor Titular y de Mérito de la Universidad de Las Tunas, coordinadora del Programa de Doctorado Tutelar en Ciencias Pedagógicas y Jefa de la Línea de investigación: Formación de valores, identidades y ciudadanía

Mirna León Acebo

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Doctora en Medicina, Especialista en Embriología Clínica, Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas, Jefa del grupo de gestión para el Grado Científico


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How to Cite

Acebo Rivera, . M. ., & León Acebo, M. (2019). THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO CUBAN PEDAGOGY AND CULTURE: VALUE FORMATION FROM AN IDENTITY CONCEPT. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(4), 51–73. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

