
  • Yoel Ortiz Fernández Universidad de Holguín, Holguín
  • José de la Luz Álvarez Fuentes Universidad de Holguín, Holguín
  • Aniuska Ortiz Pérez Universidad de Holguín, Holguín
  • Maribel Pérez Campaña Universidad de Holguín, Holguín
  • Danilo Ortiz Fernández Universidad de Chivorazo


Physical Recreation; integral formation; university community.


The Physical Recreation as process of the university extension promotes the stimulation of an appropriate recreational attitude, as renovating, physical and mental effect in people starting from positive and enriching experiences of the personality. It is sought to give answer to the contradiction between the conception of the physical recreation and the individual interests in that it leans and the educational mission of the university institution. In the investigation it is carried out an analysis of the educational perspective in the Physical Recreation, in the context of the university community and this has as objective: to develop an educational strategy sustained in a model of physical recreation for the integral formation of the students of the university community. Its implementation contributes to the improvement of the levels of the students' satisfaction with the practice of the physical recreation in the natural environment, peri - urban and urban. The application of the life diary favored the invigoration of the relationship professor - student and of the educational dimensions: social, environmental, corporal and health to which pays the Physical Recreation, as well as the relevancy of the physical recreation that contributes to the development of the personality in an educational, inclusive and personalized climate, what allowed the understanding of the same one as half suitable in the university professional's formation.

Author Biographies

Yoel Ortiz Fernández , Universidad de Holguín, Holguín

Máster en actividad física comunitaria, Profesor Auxiliar

José de la Luz Álvarez Fuentes, Universidad de Holguín, Holguín

Máster en actividad física comunitaria, Profesor Auxiliar

Aniuska Ortiz Pérez, Universidad de Holguín, Holguín

Doctora en Ciencias Técnicas, Profesora Auxiliar

Maribel Pérez Campaña, Universidad de Holguín, Holguín

Máster en gestión de proyectos comunitarios, Profesora Auxiliar

Danilo Ortiz Fernández, Universidad de Chivorazo

Máster en actividad física comunitaria, Profesor Auxiliar


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How to Cite

Ortiz Fernández , Y. ., Álvarez Fuentes, J. de la L., Ortiz Pérez, A., Pérez Campaña, M., & Ortiz Fernández, D. (2016). THE PHYSICAL RECREATION IN THE INTEGRAL FORMATION OF THE STUDENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 7(2), 135–150. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

