Educational work, advisory professor, Mission SucreAbstract
The educational work in the mark of the Mission Sucre is of vital importance to consolidate the values and ways of performance of the young generations in correspondence with the Bolivarian principles. A decisive place occupies it the advisory professor, so that the student can appropriate of the knowledge and representative values of the society that it is built. The University Villages are the space where this work is developed guided so much to the formation of values like the achievement of the bond with its future profession. This demands the advisory professor to possess a high development of his abilities pedagogic professionals and an exemplary behavior as conditions to instruct and to educate. The present investigation, presents a strategy for the formation of the advisory professor of the Mission Sucre in the University Village Samuel Darío Maldonado form Pedernales that allows him to develop a better educational work in the process of integral formation of the professional future; which was valued of very positive by the own actors of the formative process.
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