Matrix of socio-educational problems of the Las Tunas province


  • Luis Manuel Ferrás Mosquera Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Mildred Rebeca Blanco Gómez Universidad de Las Tunas


problems, socio-educational, matrix, education, professional


Many projects and researches are designed and carried out in the province in order to satisfy socio-educational demands. The present work was aimed at establishing, from a survey carried out among directors of provincial agencies, organizations and institutions, a hierarchy of the most pressing socio-educational problems to be solved by means of scientific research in projects, master's and doctoral programs. The survey, after its piloting, was applied by the members of the project to a total of 156 participants, randomly selected and belonging to the Provincial Direction of Education, the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, the Federation of Cuban Women, the Communist Party of Cuba, the Provincial Government, the Provincial Direction of Health; as well as to first and second level cadres of the University of Las Tunas. The synthesis of the results was carried out by the main author and presented as a report before the different scientific bodies of the faculty, the experts of the project and the academic committees of the Master's and Doctorate in Education Sciences. Its results show the need to delve deeper into subjects that have not been researched much in the province, such as population aging, employment, drug use, fashion and values.


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Author Biographies

Luis Manuel Ferrás Mosquera, Universidad de Las Tunas

Licenciado en Educación, especialidad Química. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesor Titular. Jefe de PAPT “Retos y perspectivas de la Educación en el contexto tunero”. Docente del Departamento Pedagogía-Psicología.

Mildred Rebeca Blanco Gómez , Universidad de Las Tunas

Licenciado en Educación, especialidad Química, Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesor Titular. Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos


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How to Cite

Ferrás Mosquera, L. M., & Blanco Gómez , M. R. . (2025). Matrix of socio-educational problems of the Las Tunas province . Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 16(1), 116–137. Retrieved from

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