
  • Tania Zamora Reytor Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas de Granma. Manzanillo
  • José Luis Lissabet Rivero Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas de Granma. Manzanillo


diversity, opportunity, possibility


The attainment of possibilities for all constitutes a challenge for the Cuban and worldwide education. The attention to the diversity would be your answer, meanwhile guarantee that everyone learns according to your capacitances. The school in the paper of the teacher, with your responsibility and commitment, must create the conditions in order that the opportunities that already offers the state convert to him in possibilities for all. The material present is the result of an investigation, carried out for the sake of reflecting on this sense. Expose important reflections that facilitate the comprehension of significant processes that is hit lathe to the diversity and that in turn permit understand the need it has the world that attends to him and that investigations are carried out about it in the different drawing in which is to manifest, stops moreover see, to the attention to the diversity as challenge for education in Cuba.

Author Biographies

Tania Zamora Reytor, Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas de Granma. Manzanillo

Aspirante a Doctora, Master en Educación. Licenciada en Educación en Matemática, con más de 20 años en el sector y 10 en la Educación Superior. Trabaja el tema de la atención a la diversidad desde hace más de 10 años.

José Luis Lissabet Rivero, Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas de Granma. Manzanillo

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas


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How to Cite

Zamora Reytor, . T. ., & Lissabet Rivero, J. L. (2013). SOCIAL IMPACT OF THE ATTENTION TO THE DIVERSITY IN THE ATTAINMENT OF POSSIBILITIES FOR ALL IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 4(3), 157–172. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

