The teaching practice in the training of primary teachers in pedagogical schools


  • Idilma Columbié Espada Escuela pedagógica de Camagüey
  • Zaida Argilagos Moreira  Universidad de Camagüey
  • María Justiz Guerra Universidad de Camagüey


Training, professional skills, teaching practice


In the training process of the education professional, the theory-practice relationship has a special meaning, not only because of the content but also because of what it represents in its curricular space, with a significant increase in the hours dedicated to it and a conception systemic in practical-teaching training. It constitutes the path par excellence to guarantee the link between theory and practice and the comprehensive preparation of future educators, as well as to increase the motivation of students for their profession. It must be oriented towards achieving the assimilation and consolidation of knowledge and professional skills that favor the creative solution of the tasks of the exercise of the profession. In relation to what was expressed, the article exposes the fundamentals and practical results of the implementation of actions aimed at the orientation, execution, control and evaluation of the teaching practice of students of the Primary Teachers specialty, of the pedagogical school of the Camagüey province. , from the different technical and management bodies that function in the institution. The application of theoretical and empirical methods of research supports the relevance of the actions and the importance of the practice focused on the professional problems faced by the student in their work and social context.

Author Biographies

Idilma Columbié Espada, Escuela pedagógica de Camagüey

Licenciada en Español-Literatura. Máster en Investigación Educativa. Sub Directora Docente General.

Zaida Argilagos Moreira,  Universidad de Camagüey

Licenciada en Educación Primaria. Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Decana Ciencias Pedagógicas.       

María Justiz Guerra, Universidad de Camagüey

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesor Titular


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How to Cite

Columbié Espada, . I. ., Argilagos Moreira, Z., & Justiz Guerra, M. (2022). The teaching practice in the training of primary teachers in pedagogical schools. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(4), 125–140. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

