strategic design; university extension, strategy of university extension.Abstract
The university extension as essential function of the university is sustained in its relationships with the internal and external community, contributing to its transformation and to improve the quality of its members' life. In spite of the advances in the process of university administration in the Cuban context, it is even required of perfecting the same one reason why it is pertinent to continue investigating in this important process so that forms and more and more effective procedures are achieved in their continuous improvement. The present work is based on the accumulated experiences in the intent of proposing alternatives to lead the administration of the university extension efficiently; it is for it that a procedure is presented to elaborate a strategy for the invigoration university extension, like part of fomenting a wider cultural system. This way will be able to put on to the institution to the service of the community from inside it but also using the approaches that the university institutions are to the service of the economic, social and cultural development of the society in which is unwrapped.
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González Fernández-Larrea, M. (2002) Un modelo de gestión de la extensión universitaria para la universidad de Pinar del Río. Tesis en opción al grado de Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. La Habana, Cuba.
González, G. R. (1999) Un modelo de extensión universitaria para la educación superior en Cuba. Revista Imágenes. Volumen No. 6. Heredia, Costa Rica.
Santos Gutiérrez, S. (2001) La gestión de la extensión universitaria desde una perspectiva específica. Revista Cubana de Educación Superior. Vol. XXI. No. 3. CEPES. Universidad de La Habana. Cuba.
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