Teaching; history; heritage; social and individual.Abstract
This paper reflects on educational values has heritage as a source of learning from history and its role in the dialectic didactic treatment of the social and the individual, as a way to achieve the development of heritage education . The treatment of this problem in the context of the teaching of history, has as its starting point the analysis of the selection and sequencing of the curriculum, to ensure that the study of heritage harmoniously meshes with the programmed tracks, it conditions also, a review of the methods of teaching and learning as to study the heritage, which displays the student activity requires a process of inquiry into the teaching-learning sources of historical heritage as part of the social scene assets. In this sense, the kind of story is linked to the social scene, allowing students to engage in a world of affect, motivation and interest, by the knowledge of their city, its streets and its people, which is achieved with the development of cognitive activity in which favors the use of methods that facilitate their active participation in learning, which can raise your self-esteem and level of commitment and responsibility to the study of the subject and society manifested in this case, by developing heritage education.
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