Threat of plagiarism and shared responsibility


  • Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Elizabeth Idalia Peñate del Rio Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Maria de la Caridad Smith Batson Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas


Ethics, plagiarism, scientific research


Plagiarism is an unethical practice that undermines the integrity of academic and scientific research. In this article we discuss various aspects related to plagiarism, including its definitions and types, consequences, detection tools, good prevention practices, and shared responsibilities. While there are tools for detecting plagiarism, effective prevention requires good practices on the part of researchers. The responsibility for preventing plagiarism rests with authors, reviewers, and reviewers alike. Each party must take an active role in promoting academic integrity and detecting potential cases of plagiarism. The case studies analyzed illustrate the importance of maintaining ethical practices in scientific research. Plagiarism in any form undermines the integrity of knowledge and the reputation of researchers and their institutions. In conclusion, plagiarism is a serious threat to academic integrity that must be addressed proactively. By assuming shared responsibilities and adhering to good practices, researchers can ensure the originality of their work and contribute to the ethical advancement of knowledge in their fields. We urge authors to properly cite all sources, to paraphrase rather than copy directly, and to verify the originality of their work before publication. We exhort reviewers and thesis advisors to be alert to possible cases of plagiarism and take corrective action when necessary. Together, we can promote integrity and advancement of scholarly research

Author Biographies

Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus, Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas

Licenciado en Educación, especialidades Matemática-Computación y Lenguas Extranjeras (Inglés). Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas.

Elizabeth Idalia Peñate del Rio, Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas

Ingeniera en Ciencias Informáticas. 

Maria de la Caridad Smith Batson, Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas

Licenciada en Educación, especialidad Inglés. Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesora Titular.   


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How to Cite

Gamboa Graus, M. E. ., Peñate del Rio, E. I. ., & Smith Batson, M. de la C. . (2024). Threat of plagiarism and shared responsibility. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 15(2), 380–405. Retrieved from

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