Active participation-based learning in remedial students with hearing impairment
learning, active participation, hearing impairmentAbstract
The novelty of research on active participation-based learning in remedial students with hearing impairment lies in the need to ensure inclusion and educational equity for all people, regardless of their abilities. Furthermore, by focusing on the active participation of students with hearing impairment, we seek to foster their autonomy, independence, and development of skills, which can improve their quality of life and integration into society. In addition, research in this area can contribute to the development of new educational strategies and technologies to improve teaching and learning for hearing impaired students, which may have broader implications for inclusive education in general. It may also help to make visible the barriers and challenges faced by students with hearing impairment in the university context and promote the adoption of more inclusive policies and practices. This article, an international inter-institutional collaboration, projects the doctoral research of the principal author, advised by the co-author. The population of interest to characterize the problematic of the learning process in leveling students with hearing impairment at the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí are all leveling students with hearing impairment enrolled at the university. A sample stratified by areas of study is selected to ensure that an adequate representation of the academic diversity of the population is obtained. In addition, it was possible to verify that research on this topic can contribute to improve the learning process in leveling students with hearing impairment at the institution.
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