Prevention of student dropout based on professional orientation from the basic sciences in initial training of civil engineers


  • Efrén Segundo Loor Loor Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus


prevention, student desertion, professional orientation, Basic Sciences, training of civil engineers


The novelty of researching on the prevention of student dropout based on career guidance in the teaching-learning process of basic sciences in the initial training of civil engineers lies in the importance of addressing a problem that affects the training of future civil engineering professionals, and that may have consequences for both their academic life and their future work. In addition, the focus on professional orientation is a response to the need to prepare students to face the challenges of the labor market and society in general. In this sense, the research seeks to provide new strategies to improve the teaching-learning process of basic sciences and contribute to the formation of more competent civil engineers prepared to face the challenges of today's world. This article, an international inter-institutional collaboration, projects the doctoral research of the principal author, advised by the co-author. The population to characterize the problem of the process of prevention of student desertion in the Civil Engineering career of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí are all the students enrolled in the Civil Engineering career of the university. The sample is selected stratified by academic year. In this way, it would be possible to have a more complete and detailed view of the problems in the career. In addition, it was possible to verify that research on this topic can contribute to improve the process of prevention of student desertion in the teaching-learning process of basic sciences in the Civil Engineering career of the institution.

Author Biography

Efrén Segundo Loor Loor, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí

Ingeniero Civil. Magister en Educación, Mención en Docencia e Investigación Superior. Magister en Ingeniería Civil, Mención en Construcción de vivienda social.


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How to Cite

Loor Loor, E. S. ., & Gamboa Graus, M. E. . (2023). Prevention of student dropout based on professional orientation from the basic sciences in initial training of civil engineers. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(2), 289–308. Retrieved from

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