
  • Omar Miguel Peña-Lerma Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Blanca Nieves Rivas Almaguer Universidad de Las Tunas


This work consists of an Approach to the Development of Tactical Creativity in Sports Learning of Judo in Athletes of the School of Las Tunas City. A descriptive cross-sectional study was used, applying a qualitative-quantitative research design. It was implemented in the general preparation stage of the 2019-2020 course with a population of 30 school children, taking a significant sample of 15 athletes of both genders. In order to explore tactical creativity, laboratory methods, field tests, structured observation, interview with coaches, athletes and methodological supervisors, as well as review of documents related to the psychoeducational process were used and carried out; all of them as methods and procedures aimed at achieving the objective diagnosis of this variable from the laboratory and field perspectives. The SPSS computer package in its version 21.0 was used for the data processing. Descriptive Statistics tests were applied too. The results obtained show an insufficient knowledge, treatment and approach of tactical creativity in the psycho-pedagogical context when training this sport. As a recommendation, an alternative to enable the development and better performance of this sports in our country is provided.

Author Biography

Omar Miguel Peña-Lerma , Universidad de Las Tunas

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Auxiliar de la disciplina Formación Pedagógica General de las carreras de Educación Especial y Logopedia.  posee varios resultados científicos relacionados con la atención educativa a adolescentes con trastornos de la conducta.


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2022-01-31 — Updated on 2022-02-09


How to Cite

Peña-Lerma , O. M. ., & Rivas Almaguer, B. N. (2022). AN APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF TACTICAL CREATIVITY IN SPORTS LEARNING OF JUDO IN ATHLETES OF THE SCHOOL. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(1), 229–247. Retrieved from (Original work published January 31, 2022)

Conference Proceedings Volume

