binomial; municipal university centers; decisores; I develop local; Task Life.Abstract
The protection of the environment and the aspiration to the sustainable development constitute one of the priorities of the lines of work of the Ministry of Superior Education of the Republic of Cuba, the theoretical foundation that sustains it consists on the critic to the prevalent environmental knowledge, to be the responsible for the growing state of environmental degradation that he/she threatens to the extinction of the human species The objective is to implement an action plan in the Community The Ceiba", based on the task 10 of the Task Life showing high sense of identity with this problem, innovative and creative spirit, participation, and social responsibility. They were used as used theoretical methods the Historical one Logical, systemic structural, Investigation-action Participativa and procedures Analysis and synthesis, Induction - deduction and empiric Methods: scientific observation. Technical of investigation: he/she interviews, it interviews, participant observation, documental analysis. In the practical context, an investigation sustained in the environmental education, intends to execute a group of actions that propenda to develop in the inhabitants of the community The Ceiba", a new vision and human positioning regarding the atmosphere that you/they will allow new performance ways, in particular on the nature and regarding the methodology to consent to the sustainable development to local scale. The obtained results the population's bigger sensitization toward the care of the environment and to the adverse effects of the climatic change.
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- 2022-02-09 (2)
- 2022-01-31 (1)
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