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Academic journals have been incorporating several elements of open science: open access (since 2000), later, the deposit of research data of the articles published, the dissemination of preprints before the publication of the paper and, finally, the open peer review (OPR). While open access is well-established and the inclusion of research data is increasingly widespread, the OPR is just at the beginning of its incorporation as a real alternative to the double-blind model, which is the most widespread and consolidated. The objective of our article is to analyse the opinion of the editors of Spanish scientific journals about the advantages and disadvantages or barriers for the implementation of the OPR. This is a qualitative study that has been carried out from the open answers of a questionnaire sent to the 1875 editors of the Spanish academic journals that appear in the database Dulcinea and that obtained a response of 22.4%. Regarding the limitations, the study is based on the opinions and experience of the editors of Spanish scientific journals, which are mostly published by academic institutions and are in the field of social sciences and humanities. The results focus on delving into the advantages and disadvantages. Among the encouraging factors, the editors point out that to have open reports is very useful for the scientific community, that it recognizes the role of the reviewer, makes it possible to control the arbitrariness of some reviewers, and that it promotes the reviewer-author dialogue. The main barriers discussed are the following: a possible lack of objectivity and rigor, resistance to change a consolidated system (“double-blind”), knowing the author benefits established authors and harms novices, more difficulties for finding reviewers, increases costs and can lengthen the review process. (Spanish). (English) Copyright of, Italian Journal of Library, Archives & Information Science is the property of Editorial Board and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract.


  • Odalis González Hernández Universidad Jesús Montané Oropesa. Isla de la Juventud
  • Gretchen Ramil Universidad Jesús Montané Oropesa. Isla de la Juventud


problemas globais, ética, bioética, valores, abordagem interdisciplinar.


Este artigo aborda o problema ecológico como um dos problemas globais do mundo contemporâneo e as possíveis soluções de conteúdo ético e bioético que podem ser fornecidas pelo profissional da educação, a partir dos programas e currículos, com uma auto-preparação dedicada com uma abordagem interdisciplinar, incluindo conteúdos e valores para a educação das gerações futuras.

Biografia do Autor

Odalis González Hernández, Universidad Jesús Montané Oropesa. Isla de la Juventud

Licenciada en Marxismo Leninismo e Historia, Máster en Educación. Mención Estudio-Trabajo, Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesora Titular.

Gretchen Ramil, Universidad Jesús Montané Oropesa. Isla de la Juventud

Licenciada en Educación en Marxismo Leninismo e Historia, Profesora Asistente.


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Hart, A. (2000). Ética, cultura y política. Revista Honda,enero-marzo, No.1 Año1 p.3.

Hart, A. (2001). Cultura para el desarrollo. El desafío del siglo XXI. La Habana. Cuba: Editorial Ciencias Sociales.

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López Bombino, L. R. (2004). Moral y valores: Ideas sobre dos temas imprescindibles en el orden teórico y práctico. En El saber ético de ayer a hoy. Tomo I.

López, C. (2008). La realidad medioambiental contemporánea y la educación ambiental.Algunas premisas para su enfoque y tratamiento docente.

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UNESCO. (2007). Desafíos éticos de las tecnologías emergentes-estudios de casos. En Tecnologías emergentes: Un estudio sobre sus consecuencias éticas. París: UNESCO.

Valdés, C. (2007). En el siglo XXI, hacia una cultura de la sostenibilidad. En Destinos culturales y políticos ante la globalización. Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo: Universidad de Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.


2023-01-27 — Atualizado em 2023-01-30


Como Citar

González Hernández, O. ., & Ramil, G. (2023). Academic journals have been incorporating several elements of open science: open access (since 2000), later, the deposit of research data of the articles published, the dissemination of preprints before the publication of the paper and, finally, the open peer review (OPR). While open access is well-established and the inclusion of research data is increasingly widespread, the OPR is just at the beginning of its incorporation as a real alternative to the double-blind model, which is the most widespread and consolidated. The objective of our article is to analyse the opinion of the editors of Spanish scientific journals about the advantages and disadvantages or barriers for the implementation of the OPR. This is a qualitative study that has been carried out from the open answers of a questionnaire sent to the 1875 editors of the Spanish academic journals that appear in the database Dulcinea and that obtained a response of 22.4%. Regarding the limitations, the study is based on the opinions and experience of the editors of Spanish scientific journals, which are mostly published by academic institutions and are in the field of social sciences and humanities. The results focus on delving into the advantages and disadvantages. Among the encouraging factors, the editors point out that to have open reports is very useful for the scientific community, that it recognizes the role of the reviewer, makes it possible to control the arbitrariness of some reviewers, and that it promotes the reviewer-author dialogue. The main barriers discussed are the following: a possible lack of objectivity and rigor, resistance to change a consolidated system (“double-blind”), knowing the author benefits established authors and harms novices, more difficulties for finding reviewers, increases costs and can lengthen the review process. (Spanish). (English) Copyright of, Italian Journal of Library, Archives & Information Science is the property of Editorial Board and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(1), 31–44. Recuperado de (Original work published 27º de janeiro de 2023)





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