
  • Pavel Ernesto Arribas Llópis Villa Clara
  • Yakelín Gómez Morales Villa Clara
  • Roberto Garcés González Villa Clara


Violence; bullying; adolescence; aggressiveness; behavior


The present work approaches the violence, phenomenon that is presenting in several educational centers, essentially prevails with more sistematicidad between the stage adolescence and youth. The violence like manifestation can be prevenible if they take in consideration educational procedures that you/they can put into practice during the pedagogic process for the sake of improving the behavior of the students. Nevertheless if it is pertinent to dominate from the theory and to prevent from the conception of good practical educational. The school has the support of the professors mainly to solve these types of problems. The professors will be very careful in what concerns to these problems, because they can be the first ones in detecting cases of aggression and of bullying or to receive the complaints of an attacked adolescent. For it, they should understand that the school is a place that he/she forces to the coexistence and that it should be prepared before phenomena of this type.

Author Biographies

Pavel Ernesto Arribas Llópis, Villa Clara

Profesor Asistente. Especialista del Centro de Atención a Menores

Yakelín Gómez Morales, Villa Clara

Profesora investigadora titular del Centro de Estudios de Educación de La Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas.

Roberto Garcés González, Villa Clara

Profesor investigador titular del Centro de Estudios Comunitarios de la Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas


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How to Cite

Arribas Llópis, P. E. ., Gómez Morales, Y., & Garcés González, R. (2020). THE VIOLENCE IN THE BEHAVIOR OF THE ADOLESCENTS AND THEIR PREVENTION. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 11(1), 225–236. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

