
  • Emanuel Javier Sánchez Cruz Sede Universitaria Municipal “Cándido González Horta” Municipio Colombia
  • Yeisenín Ramos Fedé Sede Universitaria Municipal “Cándido González Horta” Municipio Colombia
  • Ana María Ramírez Estévez Sede Universitaria Municipal “Cándido González Horta” Municipio Colombia
  • Odalis Suárez Pérez Sede Universitaria Municipal “Cándido González Horta” Municipio Colombia


didactic guidelines, culture, patrimony


Due to the learning situations present in the different subjects in the context of in service course from the universalization process and due to the importance that accounts this discipline in the formation of professional of the measurement of Sociocultural Studies. Hence, it prepares them as agents and out-speakers of our culture as well as in social actors of the investigation. Therefore, a didactic guide-line is proposed which propitiates a more coherent, motivating and it integrates the content from different curricular edges. Besides, it integrates and promotes interdisciplinary strategies. It offers exercises that generate reflection and the passing for higher cognitive levels in the discipline cultural and tourist patrimony from an investigative vision. In the process of the development of this work, methods from the theoretical as well empiric level were used. The main results are intended to provide didactic suggestions to guide the students, so that they will be culture out-speakers in communities and in spaces of cultural tourist promotion, in such a sense we can conclude that with the implementation of this proposal it is possible to grow-up in culture and it allows the students to obtain a group of knowledge to be able to maintain our national identity.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cruz, . E. J. ., Ramos Fedé, Y., Ramírez Estévez, A. M., & Suárez Pérez, O. (2011). DIDACTIC GUIDELINES TO PROPITIATE THE INVESTIGATIVE AUTONOMY IN THE DISCIPLINE CULTURAL AND TOURIST PATRIMONY. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 2(3), 43–56. Retrieved from https://revistas.ult.edu.cu/index.php/didascalia/article/view/53