
  • Omar Gutiérrez Hidalgo Instituto Politécnico “Oscar Alberto Ortega Lora”. Puerto Padre. Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • Daimara Almaguer Ponce Instituto Politécnico “Oscar Alberto Ortega Lora”. Puerto Padre. Las Tunas. Cuba.


environmental attitudes; technical and profesional education; social problem; science and technology


Our Earth Planet confronts the global crisis including the environmental area and its common cause, the unconscious acting of the human being and the convergent effect to the extermination of the world and the human sort. At present environmental insufficiencies are persisted related to the environmental knowledge of the Construction technician in Oscar Alberto Ortega Lara Polytechnic Institute as well as in the development of a favourable environmental attitudes establishing a contradiction in the social practice between a model wanted in the Technical and Professional Education (TPE) - to graduate technicians of the Construction Family with good environmental behaviour. That’s why in this paper it is argued that the environmental attitudes of the TPE students constitute a social problem of the Science and the Technology, getting as a result that the application of the epistemology bases given, emits positive changes in their cognitive, affective and participative attitudes to the environmental situations.

Author Biographies

Omar Gutiérrez Hidalgo, Instituto Politécnico “Oscar Alberto Ortega Lora”. Puerto Padre. Las Tunas. Cuba.

Máster en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesor de la Familia de Especialidades de Construcción.

Daimara Almaguer Ponce, Instituto Politécnico “Oscar Alberto Ortega Lora”. Puerto Padre. Las Tunas. Cuba.

Licenciada en Educación. Profesora de Español-Literatura.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Hidalgo, . O. ., & Almaguer Ponce, D. (2013). THE ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES IN STUDENTS OF THE TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION. A SOCIAL PROBLEM OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 4(6), 125–138. Retrieved from