Internationalization of higher education in Cuba: insights of the process from the English teaching in Cabinda


  • Mabel Linch Aguilera Universidad de Las Tunas


academic exchange; higher education; strategy; internationalization; teaching and research process.


The active participation of Cuban universities in the process of Internationalization of Higher Education is continuously increasing as an expression of solidarity, exchange and collaboration to strengthen them. This process contributes to international support for academic, cultural promotion and exchange, human development, international cooperation through research projects, technical and professional assistance exported as part of the strategy of Cuban institutions. The purpose of this research is to reflect on the characteristics of internationalization of Higher Education in Cuba and its practical application through English teaching at ISCED Cabinda. The study shows the features of this process and the challenges it faces for its further development in response to the [1]constant changes occurring in higher education. As part of this internationalization process, it is presented the experience of working in the Institute of Education and Sciences of Cabinda, the particular characteristics of  the direct participation in the institution work, with emphasis on  teaching English, the research process, the exchange with students and the approach to the culture and Cabindan society. Research methods as historical-logical, induction-­­deduction, analysis-synthesis, and theoretical systematization were used to identify and organize the information presented. The main results of the paper highlighted the teaching, methodological and research endeavor as well as collaborative work of English teachers of the MES-Universities employment contract at ISCED Cabinda.

Keywords: academic exchange; higher education; strategy; internationalization; teaching and research process.

Author Biography

Mabel Linch Aguilera, Universidad de Las Tunas

Licenciada en Educación, especialidad Inglés. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesora Auxiliar


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How to Cite

Linch Aguilera, M. . (2023). Internationalization of higher education in Cuba: insights of the process from the English teaching in Cabinda. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(6), 286–305. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

