The didactic functions in the learning of the students of the Primary Educational Level


  • Ramón Ángel Reyes Carrillo Universidad de Granma
  • Leodan La O Ramírez Universidad de Granma
  • María Elena Licea Reyes Universidad de Granma


learning, students, didactic functions, orientation, towards the objective


The objective of this work is to analyze the performance of the teacher when materializing the didactic function "Orientation towards the objective" during the development of the teaching-learning process of the class to favor the learning of the students in the different grades of the Educational Primary Level. The study of the proposals of national and international researchers, who venture into the impact of didactic functions in the teaching-learning process of the class and the verification of indicators that reveal the efficiency and effectiveness of the teacher's performance when guiding the students. towards the objective of the class, it allows to corroborate the pedagogical importance of the didactic and methodological actions of the teacher in the orientation stage of the class, to guarantee that the students carry out actions that determine the development of the ability of the objective conceived for the class, as well as the assimilation of the knowledge systems of the content of the subject program taught to form a comprehensive general culture.

Author Biographies

Ramón Ángel Reyes Carrillo, Universidad de Granma

Licenciado en Educación en la especialidad de Educación Primaria, Master en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesor Asistente

Leodan La O Ramírez, Universidad de Granma

Licenciado en Educación. Legua Inglesa. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesor Asistente.

María Elena Licea Reyes, Universidad de Granma

Licenciada en Educación, en la especialidad de Educación Primaria, Profesor Asistente. 


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How to Cite

Reyes Carrillo, R. Ángel, La O Ramírez, L., & Licea Reyes, M. E. . (2023). The didactic functions in the learning of the students of the Primary Educational Level. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(5), 124–140. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

