Need for prosthetic rehabilitation in adults in the housing health area


  • Mayelin de la Caridad Suárez González Salud
  • Judith Partido Peña Salud
  • Elisa Amparo Núñez Oduardo Salud


rehabilitation, jaws, edentulous


A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in adult patients from the housing area belonging to the health area of the "7 from November" polyclinic, Majibacoa municipality, in the period from February 2020 to December 2021 with the objective of determining the need for prosthetic rehabilitation in this population. The universe was constituted by the total of adult patients belonging to the health area, who were examined in the stomatology consultation of this locality, the sample was 2,230, it was defined by means of the interrogation of all the patients who attended the clinic the consultation and that the clinical examination showed that they needed a prosthesis in addition to meeting the inclusion criteria defined for the study. An interview was conducted which collected all the data of interest; the results were emptied into tables to facilitate statistical processing. Predominating patients older than 60 years in 37.2% and females in 54.9%, the average technical education level was the most frequent in the study with 38.0%, only 44.7% of the patients reported a felt need, the need for stomatological prostheses according to the jaw occurs in a higher percentage in both jaws for 44.9% and 59.1% are partially edentulous.

Author Biographies

Mayelin de la Caridad Suárez González, Salud

Doctora en Estomatología. Profesora Auxiliar. Especialista de Segundo Grado en EGI y Primer Grado en Prótesis Estomatológica. Máster en Urgencia Estomatológica. Investigador Agregado.

Judith Partido Peña, Salud

Doctora en Estomatología. Residente de segundo año de la especialidad EGI.

Elisa Amparo Núñez Oduardo, Salud

Doctora en Estomatología. Profesora Auxiliar. Especialista de Segundo Grado en EGI y de Primer Grado en Administración de Salud. Máster en Urgencia Estomatológica. Investigador Agregado.


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How to Cite

Suárez González, M. de la C., Partido Peña, J. ., & Núñez Oduardo, E. A. . (2022). Need for prosthetic rehabilitation in adults in the housing health area. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(6), 190–201. Retrieved from

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